
Rating Requirements


Here is the list of ratings for current tournament players. If you are have na overall Rating of A you cannot play in a BB. If you are a BB player you cannot play in a B. If you have a NAGVA rating we will utilize that first overall.

Questions about Ratings? Email me at @ avxleague@gmail.com.

Volleyball ratings help players find the right level of competition, whether on the sand or indoors. Both beach and indoor volleyball use a rating system ranging from B to Open:

For indoor volleyball, organizations like NAGVA (North American Gay Volleyball Association) handle official skill ratings. Beach volleyball, however, can be more subjective due to varying standards, but the same general levels apply. Not all skills transfer over from indoor to beach and vice versa. I am an A level player in beach but a BB level outsider hitter, B level libero, and a B level setter. Be concious of this and please reach out if you have any questions! Ratings help keep the game competitive and fair.

If sandbagging has been caught then the player will be disqualified and the team will lose the current set.

“Winning is not everything, but wanting to win is” -Vince Lombardi